Guidelines for Preparing Paper Presentation Slide and Video

  • 1 The registered author must submit a Recorded Video presentation. It will be played by the session moderator during the technical session. However, the presenting author must remain present in the technical session and also must participate in the question- answer session of his paper. Besides, we encourage the co-authors to remain present during their presentation and question-answer session.
  • 2 All Video recordings (of paper presentation) have to be made by the registered authors preferably either in PowerPoint or by Zoom.
  • 3 For the video file, please ensure that it runs accurately in well-known media players and file size should be kept within 40MB (MP4 file).
  • 4 Each Video recording (of paper presentation) must not exceed 10 minutes.
  • 5 The slides and video recordings submission (from authors) deadlines will be 11:59 pm BST (GMT +6:00 hrs) of XX, 2024.
  • 6 During the presentation the Video mode should be kept ‘ON’. Authors are requested to ensure a decent background/environment and formal dress-up during the presentation.
  • 7 The placing of the author’s video should be at the bottom-right or top-right corner. Please make sure that the contents of the slides are clearly visible and not obstructed. For recording in the zoom platform, we recommend checking the “Record video during screen sharing” and “Place video next to the shared screen in the recording” (see in the Figure below) under the recording option from the video setting.

Please use the following link for uploading the video file:

While preparing presentation slides we request you to follow the following guidelines:
1. Each presentation slide should have Conference short name (ICISET-2024), Paper ID, slide numbers (Title slide) in a row at the footer.
2. For video recording, slides should be kept in presentation mode.
3. We prefer to address the following points in the presentation slide:
  • Background/Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Problem Statement
  • Objectives
  • Methodology / System Architecture
  • Design
  • Experimental / Simulation Results and Analysis
  • Outcomes and Impacts
  • Conclusion
  • Future Research plan
  • References (Just show)
  • Acknowledgement (Just show) (if anyone to acknowledge)