ICISET Presentation Policy:

All the accepted works should be presented through Oral Presentation at ICISET 2024. Accepted work without presentation will not be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

No-Show Policy:
No-show papers are defined as papers submitted by authors who subsequently did not present the paper in-person at the technical meeting. Presentations by proxies are not allowed, unless explicitly approved before the conference by the Technical Program Chair. No-show papers will not be available on IEEE Xplore or other publicly accessible IEEE forums. No refund of the paid fees can be claimed by the no-show author.
Exceptions to this policy will be made by the Technical Program Chair of the conference only if there is evidence that the no-show occurred because of unanticipated events beyond the control of the authors, and every option available to the authors to present the paper was exhausted.

Oral presentation guidelines::
1. 13 minutes is allocated for each presentation. A presenter will get 10 minutes for presentation of the problem, the background, the innovative approach, the new results and the comparative evaluation. An additional 3 minutes will be available for discussion / question and answer session with the attendees.
2. Each presentation session room will be equipped with a projector, a computer, a microphone and a laser pointer. Presentation slides should be in PPT or PDF format.
3. It is recommended to test the presentation materials in advance to ensure compatibility. Materials should be handy on a flash-drive. Each room will have a volunteer who may provide technical support.